Live to Thrive. Not just Survive.
Liscenced Therapeutic Massage Therapy

My Path to Healing

When I decided to become a massage therapist I had a flash back to a memory from my childhood. I was 7 years old with my friends designing and hashing out our future massage business. This memory made me realize how long healing touch had been a passion of mine. First massages I remember receiving were from my grandmother due to my horrible growing pains. Into my teenage years I found myself regularly massaging my extremely hard working single mom. Friends of mine also asked me for massages regularly. There wasn't a week that went by that I wasn't using healing touch. 

Due to this being such a sacred passion of mine, it wasn't until after another career, 3 years of secondary schooling, and a couple years of soul searching, before I even considered massage as a profession. It dawned on me after my first licensed massage. My body had been traumatized a lot through my life. The icing on the cake was when I was 17 and got hit as a pedestrian by a speeding car. I never received any bodywork from this accident, so I lived in a lot of pain. So when I was given this first licensed massage at 23, it rocked my world. I didn't know I could even feel as good as I did after that massage. I wanted to share this relief with others who lived in pain like myself. 

I always research everything before I dive into it. Looked up what I found to be the only nationally accredited school in Oregon, that had the highest ratings, and most hours of training. I wanted the best education I could get and that's what I received from East West College of Healing Arts in Portland Oregon. My classmates in massage school would race to ask me before anyone else to trade massages. Last term of school we massaged general public. I had the massage teachers booking with me, which was a bit nerve racking but such an honor. Honestly though, what made me naturally better than most, was my true love for helping others heal. I didn't choose this for the money. 

Now over 8 years later. This passionate love for performing healing massage therapy, has only grown. Over half of massage therapists don't make it to 5 years due to burn out and or over use injuries. I don't see myself ever facing these issues. My profession makes me feel content and satisfied. Plus I was built like an Amazon. Don't get me wrong though. I am just as excellent working a body builder over, as I am at delicately giving comforting touch to a person on hospice. If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life...

I can be a fit for just about anyone in any walk of life. I will not claim to be right for everyone though. I urge anyone seeking massage therapy to not settle till they find the right person for them. Which could be a team or just one person. I would love to see if I can be a fit for you or a loved one!